Home Remedies for Skin Fairness – Things That Work

Though you may not see results immediately, these home remedies can help you achieve that luminous complexion in no time.

For example, yogurt contains lactic acid which moisturizes your skin, reduces blemishes and freckles, giving you a glowing and fresh complexion. All that’s required to do is apply a paste made with yogurt onto your face for several minutes and wash it off afterwards, says our dermatologist.

1. Papaya and Honey

Papaya is packed with essential nutrients and can be used as an effective skin fairness treatment. It contains papain, an active enzyme which gently exfoliates away dead skin cells while simultaneously moisturizing your complexion.

Vitamins A, C and lycopene found in this fruit aid in maintaining youthful-looking skin.

Honey has antibacterial properties and provides essential moisture to the skin. Furthermore, its antioxidants help protect skin cells from free radical damage caused by exposure to UV rays.

For glowing and fair skin, mix mashed papaya with honey and apply it on your face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has anti-aging properties and can be an effective natural skin lightening treatment for hyperpigmentation, mild bacterial infections and cleansing blemishes. It can be used alone or combined with other natural products to achieve clear skin that’s lighter in tone.

Exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells that clog pores and cause acne. Furthermore, it increases collagen levels, improving skin’s appearance by preventing fine lines and wrinkles.

However, lemon juice is highly acidic and can cause burns or irritation in even small amounts. Therefore, be mindful when creating DIY recipes containing lemon juice and always wear sunscreen for protection.

3. Potato

Potatoes are beloved for their flavour and are an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. But did you know that potatoes also possess powerful skincare benefits?

Potatoes contain atelic acid, which helps lighten dark spots and are used for skin fairness treatment to remove imperfections. This is because it suppresses melanin production – responsible for tan lines and discolorations.

Combine the juice of one medium-sized potato with some honey to create a face pack that helps reduce puffiness and diminish dark circles around your eyes. Use this twice weekly for several weeks, and watch as your complexion brightens!

4. Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is an incredibly beneficial ingredient that provides skin hydration, protects you against sun damage, clears up acne, and increases skin luminosity. Plus, it’s packed with antioxidants like lycopene which reduce inflammation.

Tomato juice has an added benefit of fighting acne with its powerful vitamin C punch! Just one cup of tomato juice daily can provide your body with almost all its daily needs for this essential nutrient.

Tomato juice is also packed with anti-inflammatory nutrients and antioxidants to combat free radicals. Not only that, but it’s an excellent source of vitamin A, potassium, and folate as well.

5. Rice Water

Rice water has been used for centuries in Asian beauty rituals as an effective skin fairness treatment. Packed with vitamin E, it helps hydrate your skin and diminishes the appearance of dark spots.

Additionally, vitamin A works to brighten skin by diminishing unsightly blemishes and scars while lightening pigmentation. Furthermore, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and unclogs clogged pores, says our dermatologist.

Rice water can be used as a toner and mist on your skin as well as fermented rice water which has greater potency.


Home remedies for skin fairness treatment can be a great alternative to expensive salon treatments or skincare products. Yogurt, papaya and honey, lemon juice, potato, tomato juice, and rice water are some of the most effective home remedies for achieving a glowing and fresh complexion. Yogurt contains lactic acid which reduces blemishes and freckles while papaya and honey create an effective skin brightening treatment. Lemon juice, potato, and tomato juice have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce dark spots and pigmentation. Rice water is packed with vitamin E and A, making it an excellent hydrating toner that reduces inflammation and unclogs pores.

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